Friday, June 14, 2024

Tartakower's Best Games

Despite the glut of chess material that's available today and the use of computer chess programs, for me it’s still a delight to set up the pieces and pull out a book of somebody’s best games or a tournament book and play over the games.
    One collection, actually a two volume set, is the best games of Tartakower. You can’t buy them any more, but you can purchase My Best Games of Chess 1905-1954, the 21st century edition, in paperback on Amazon for $31.80 or the Kindle edition for $11.49. One caveat – the Kindle edition gobbles up a lot of space...45 mb. 
    Savielly Tartakower was a unique player and writer and you will love playing over all 2167games. But, if you don’t want to spend any money you can player over all the games or download them and make your own notes using a chess program at HERE.

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