The Game of Chess (Dover Chess)
- Tarrasch. This book taught several generations how to play.
Guide to Good Chess (C.J.S. Purdy Gold Chess Series)
- Purdy. ANYTHING written by Purdy is both fun to read AND instructional. He
was one of the greatest writer EVER.
The Search for Chess Perfection (Purdy Series)
- Purdy. A bio, collection of his games and...what makes it worth buying: a
collection of his magazine articles on all aspects of chess.
How to Play the Chess Openings (Dover Chess)
- Znosko-Borovsky. Focuses on ideas and planning rather than memorization. He explains
how to avoid amateur mistakes and traps.
Action Chess: Purdy's 24 Hours Opening Repertoire
- Purdy. Deals with learning a basic opening repertoire quickly.
The Middlegame in Chess
- Fine. Algebraic notation. Explains the basic elements of combinations and
attacks against the King. How to evaluate a position, handle
superior, equal, and inferior positions, the significance of pawn
structure and space, transition from opening to middlegame and
middlegame to endgame.
Pawn Power in Chess (Dover Chess)
- Kmoch. Once you get past his weird names for different formations and
maneuvers, this book offer some great instruction on strategy.
Modern Chess Strategy
- by Pachman. Explains the characteristics of the pieces, exchanges,
seven different uses of pawns, minority attack, dynamic elements,
much more. 129 games and fragments are used as examples.
The Middle Game in Chess (Dover Chess)
- by Znosko-Borovsky. Z-B teaches about Space, Time and Force.
The Art of Checkmate
- by Renaud and Kahn. A classic. 23 mating situations are classified
and described with example.
Basic Chess Endings
- by Fine. Benko has revised this with the latest innovations in the
endgame and adapted the book to algebraic notation. Very precise and
technical with no frills or wasted words. A classic.
Reshevsky's Best Games of Chess
- by Reshevsky. I believe Reinfeld was the real author of this book
which contains 110 games prior to 1948. Very instructive
and entertaining.
500 Master Games of Chess (Dover Chess)
- by Tartakower and du Mont. Games arranged by opening.
Botvinnik: One Hundred Selected Games
- by Botvinnik. 100 games played before becoming World Champion in
1948. Includes opponents like Alekhine, Capablanca, Euwe, Keres,
Reshevsky, Smyslov. Explains his theories, the development of Russian
chess, and six end game studies. Superb.
Zurich International Chess Tournament, 1953 (Dover Chess)107 Great Chess Battles, 1939-1945 (Dover Books on Chess)
My Best Games of Chess: 1905/1954 (Two Volumes Bound As One)
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