George Koltanowski–Paul KeresD72Exhibition Correspondence Game1963Owner
Gruenfeld Defense 1.d4 f6 2.c4 g6 3.g3 g7 4.g2 d5 5.cxd5 xd5 6.e4 b4 7.d5 c6 8.e2 cxd5 9.a3 a5 9...4c6 10.exd5 e5 11.0-0 0-0 Ilincic,Z (2540)-Ruck,R (2535) Hungary 2005 10.0-0 d4 A poor move which white fails to take advantage of. 10...dxe4 11.d2 8a6 12.e1 g4 Better than capturing the b-Pawn. 13.f4 g5 14.c3 gxf4 15.axb4 xb4 White is slightly bette. Ilincic,Z (2536)
-Brinck Claussen,B (2359) Budapest 2006 11.xd4 A surprisingly bad move. 11.d2 8c6 12.f4 0-0 13.d5 d7 14.xb4 xb4 15.xb4 White has won a
piece! 11...4c6 12.xc6 xc6 13.d2 d8 14.c3 0-0
15.e3 e6 Somewhat better was 15...Bxc3 16.f4 Too risky.
After this black should have been slightly better. 16.d5 xb2 17.b1 xa3 18.xb7 d6 19.a1 followed by 20.Rc1 with equal play. 16...c4 Again,
capturing on c3 was best. 17.f2 Better was trading Qs. Now black gets the
upper hand. xc3 18.bxc3 a5 19.e5 fd8 20.e1 d5 21.f1 a4 22.b2 b6 23.f2 b3 Better was 23...Rac8 24.g2 White fails to take advantage of
black's last move. 24.ab1 d5 25.b5 e4 26.xe4 xe4 27.e1 is equal. 24...ac8 25.xc6 xc6 26.d4 d5 Keres misses the better 26...Be6 26...e6 27.e2 g4 28.f1 28.xg4 xd4 29.cxd4 xd4+ 30.f2 xa1+ 31.g2 xa3 wins 28...c7 29.d2 d7 30.e3 c8 31.xd8+ xd8 Black has
the better ending. 27.d1 a6 A nice maneuver switching the Q over to the
K-side. 28.d2 c8 29.f1 c4 30.h3 h5 31.f5 xf5 32.xf5 gxf5 33.f2 b7 34.b2 e6 Even better was 34...Ra4 35.b4 dxd4 Fancy, but the
prosaic 36...Ba6 was equally good. 36.cxd4 c2+ 37.e3 c3+ 38.f4 g7! 39.g5 xg3+ 40.xh5 xh3+ 41.g5 g3+ The game ended here,
being adjudicated by Keres as a win for himself! Although Koltanowski agreed
with the decision, he felt that his position merited playing on. It would seem
that Koltanowski was correct because in Shootouts using Stockfish 14.1 white
scored +0 -1 =4.
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