In a recent post on my chess Blog I mentioned that Komodo 14 has a personality called Human which is “designed to play more like a human Grandmaster on a high level or like an amateur taught by a Grandmaster on lower levels.” The Komodo site explains that as a result “it may well perform better against most humans than the default engine on the same level.”
At the time of THIS game, Boris Baczynskyj was rated 2264 (Master) and I would expect that the Weighted Error Value scores would be lower when annotating with Komodo 14 Human, meaning that the closer to zero the score, the closer the player’s moves match the engine’s.
Analysis with Komodo Human showed Baczynskyj’s Weighted Error Value was 0.73 while Reshevsky’s was a precise 0.26, meaning that Reshevsky’s moves very nearly match those of the engine. Baczynskyj’s Weighted Error Value was 0.76 which is actually quite good.
One would expect the Weighted Error Value to increase when analyzing with Stockfish 16.1 simply because it is a stronger engine and humans would be less likely to select the same moves as the engine.
Using Stockfish 16.1 saw Reshevsky’s WEV to go up just a bit to 0.36, but Baczynskyj’s improved a bit to 0.69. I can’t explain it.
In a short match pitting Stockfish 16.1 against Komodo Human with a time limit of 5 minutes per game, Stockfish won 3-0.
In annotating one of the games (below) using Stockfish, it’s WEV of its own play was nearly perfect which is no surprise. What is interesting is that Komodo Human’s WEV was 0.72 which is pretty close to Reshevsky’s in his game against Baczynskyj.
I am not sure what to make of all this except to sat that Komodo Human is clearly not close to Stockfish 16.1 in strength, but it appears that it does play at the Grandmaster level, but are the moves human-like? I can’t say.
To me this brings up the question, why pay for an engine when a stronger free program is available. Additionally, I do not see any benefit to the different Komodo personalities; they are, I think, sales hype.
Komodo 14 Human–Stockfish 16.10–1C54G5PC2024Stocjfish 16.1
C54: Giuoco Piano: 4 c3 Nf6, main lines with 5 d4 and 5 d3 1.e4 e5 2.f3 c6 3.c4 f6 4.d3 c5 5.c3 a6 6.0-0 d6 7.b4 a7 8.a4 0-0 9.g5
9.bd2 e7 10.h3 c6 11.e1 g6 12.d4 is equal. Anand,V (2779)
-Topalov,V (2740) Shamkir AZE 2019 9.a3 h6 10.b5 e7 11.e3 g6 12.xa7 xa7 13.a5 Black is better. Tharushi,T (1581)-Crocker,P (2135) INT
2023 9...h6 10.h4 g5 The position is equal. 11.g3 g7 11...e7 12.bd2 g6 13.c2 13.d4 d7 14.e1 f6 15.h3 exd4 16.cxd4 xd4 17.xd4 xd4 18.c1 de5 19.f1 e6 20.b1 ab8 0-1 (20) Dvoirys,S (2595)-Kaidanov,
G (2629) Moscow 2005 13...g7 14.h3 h5 15.h2 hf4 Black is better.
Jacimovic,S (1799)-Korban,K Herceg Novi 2008 12.bd2 e7 13.d4 h5 14.dxe5 xg3 15.hxg3 dxe5 16.h2 This is where white starts drifting
into a bad position. 16.Nb3 keeps things nearly equal. g8 17.e2 f6 18.fd1 e7 19.b3 h8 20.f3 a5 21.xa5 h5 22.xg5? 22.d3 g4 23.a2-+ 22...h4-+ 23.gxh4 23.xf7 hxg3 24.xh8 g4+- 23...xh4 24.d3 g4 25.f3 h5 Weaker is 25...ah8 26.xh4! xh4 27.g3± 26.g3 ah8 27.e1 h7 28.f1 g5 29.h4 f6! 30.b5 30.b3 xh4 30...xh4 31.gxh4 xh4 32.g3 h2! 33.b6 33.f3 xf3
Xxf3 33...xb6 34.f3 xf3! 35.xf3 35.d1 f2+ 35...f2+ 36.g1 xf3+ 37.g2 xg3+ 38.xg3 38.xg3 38...f4+ 39.g2 f2+ 40.h1 f3# Weighted Error Value: White=0.72/Black=0.01 (flawless) 0–1
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